Can you believe it’s that time of year for all us fisher people to start thinking about our summer fishing season? Pretty exciting and nerve racking all at the same time!
Going to the boat for the first time today marks the start of our transition. Tomorrow we will put F/V LaDonna Rose back in the water and start a new year of salmon fishing.
Our lives are about to shift abruptly from a spacious house on land to a cramped cabin at sea.
Ironically, it doesn’t take too long before I’ll view “cold, stinky and cramped” as “cozy and warm” as I stand close to the galley’s diesel stove. I will once again fall in love with our vessel, because for the next four months, it will be my everything.
My home, workplace, entertainment, my friend. I will put my complete trust in it to keep us safe and return us home.
Our 25th season gill netting switching between two separate lives lends itself to the things we are saying goodbye to.
We start reflecting in the truck on the way home. This is what we talked about.
Ole: Why didn’t we go to Hawaii this winter?
Me: No time.
Ole: Vegas would have been nice.
Me: Yeah.
Ole: I don’t think we ate enough pizza.
Me: I don’t think I took enough baths, I think I’ll take one every day until we get on the boat. (Only cramped showers from here on out).
Me: Oh how I’ll miss having coffee and a cookie at The Point and The Green Coffee Bean.
Ole: Lets go have coffee and savor these last few days with friends.
Me: I sure hope Keta (our new kitten) will like her new home.
Me: I am going to miss having my nails done.
Ole: I’m going to miss stretching out on our nice big mattress.
Ole: Won’t it be nice to get back on the boat?
Me: Blank stare!
Me: What will you miss the most?
Ole: Ice cream and sleep.
It’s a funny thing, we go kicking and screaming getting back on the boat. Once we’re all settled in, it’s not too bad really. After all, the season is only a short 14 weeks and that’s it!
I can do just about anything knowing it will end.