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New blog by Alaskan commercial fisherwoman LaDonna Rose

Hi guys!   This is my first blog.  Those of you that know me, know that I’m not a blogger.  I am a commercial fisherwoman, cookbook author and lover of salmon.  That said..I’m excited to share my world with you through my experiences, recipes and of course, Ole’s gorgeous photography.

I hope what you gain from this blog will be a glimpse into the world of commercial fishing.  All of us that commercial fish are small business owners working hard to keep our heads above water.  We have families to support, boats to maintain, gear and insurance to pay for and retirement to fund.  On the flip side, we love the adventure and freedom commercial fishing brings.  I am pretty sure I’m not the only one who has a story or two to tell about being sick, scared, tired to the bone, biggest fish, smallest fish, biggest haul, smallest haul.  Can’t forget the biggest wave that would make a Christian out of anyone!  We see wild life, sunrises, sunsets and stars that you swear touch the ocean.  We work hard knowing the seasons are short and then we can rest and play.

Also in my blog, it is my desire to share with you the health and beauty benefits of wild salmon and reasons not to eat the dreaded farmed Atlantic salmon.

I will do my best to keep up with this at least once every other week.

Best Fishes!  LaDonna

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